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Access Rebates > WHO WE ARE

Since 2003 Access Rebates has specialized in Investment Home Rebates, Custom Home Rebate, Substantial Home Renovation Rebates, Condo Renovations Rebates for the individual and investors.

Our knowledgeable staff of Accountants and Funding Specialists have years of experience with filing for Federal, Provincial and Municipal Government funding on behalf of individual.

We can help you obtain an HST rebate of up to $30,000 if you have done any of the following in the past 2 years:

  • Purchased a newly built investment home
  • Purchased a newly built investment condominium
  • Built a custom home
  • Substantially renovated 70% of your home /a condominium
  • Built a major addition to your home
  • Converted a non-residential property into a home
  • Contracted/hired someone else to perform these actions for you

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