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Custom Home Rebate up to $15,400

If you have hired a Builder or a General Contractor in Quebec to build you a Custom Home within the last 2 years that is or will be used as your Principal Residence and has a fair market value of up to $450,000, then you may be entitled to a tax-free Housing Rebate of up […]

Substantially Renovate your Principal Residence and receive up to $15,400

If you have hired a Builder or a General Contractor in Quebec to Substantially Renovate your Principal Residence within the last 2 years and your Principal Residence has a fair market value of $450,000 or less, then you may be entitled to a tax-free Housing Rebate of up to $15,400 from the Government. The Housing […]

Investment Property Rebate up to $15,400

If you have purchased a newly built home, townhome or condominium within the last 2 years with the intention of renting out the property, and it has a fair market value of $450,000 or less, then you are entitled to the tax-free Investment Property Rebate of up to $15,400 from the Government. What type of […]


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