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Canada Guaranty Green Home Program

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CMHC /Genworth/Canada Guaranty Green Home Program
15-25% Saving on Mortgage Insurance for Energy Efficient Upgrades
Program Overview

The CMHC /Genworth/Canada Guaranty Green Home Program is open to Homeowners and Investors with mortgage insured properties that make energy efficient upgrades within the first 2 years of owning the property. Once the energy efficiency upgrades are complete CMHC /Genworth/Canada Guaranty offer a premium refund of up to 25% on the mortgage loan insurance.

How do I Qualify for the Mortgage Loan savings?

If you are renovating, your home must be assessed by a qualified a NRCan Energy Advisor before and after the energy efficiency upgrades are made. The partial premium refund is based on the level of energy efficiency achieved.

The Process
Contact Access Energy Consultants who will perform an initially Energy Audit and provide advice and guidance on energy efficient upgrades.
Complete upgrades to your home that to achieve the required energy savings.
Contact Access Energy Consultants who will complete the second qualifying assessment for your application to your mortgage insurer.
Complete and submit an application to your mortgage insurer.
Mortgage Insurance saving example: A $600,000 home with a 10% downpayment. The mortgage insurance is $540,000 x 4% = $21,800 insurance premium. A 15 % saving would = $3,270 and a 25% saving would = $5,450.


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